#IWSG – Inspiration

Hello all! It’s the first Wednesday of the month and we know what that means:

IWSG-badgeIt’s time for another meeting of the Insecure Writers Support Group – #IWSG.

My hero, the amazing Ninja Captain Alex J. Cavanaugh founded this group and it has become a safe haven if you are an insecure writer.

Click the image if you would like to be a part of the #IWSG family. You won’t regret it.

Purpose: To share and encourage. Writers can express doubts and concerns without fear of appearing foolish or weak.


The awesome co-hosts for the May 2 posting of the IWSG are E.M.A. Timar, J. Q. Rose, C.Lee McKenzie, and Raimey Gallant!


May 2 question – It’s spring! Does this season inspire you to write more than others, or not?

I can’t say that it does. The inspiration strikes when it strikes, although I fare better during the winter holidays. I started writing again a couple of weeks ago and it’s all been based on a dream I had. That makes me happy because I was beginning to worry. The ideas hadn’t been coming as often as they used to. I think I was stressing over it too much. 

Happy May everyone and let me know what season inspires you the most. 




Hey everyone! Welcome to Monday Book Reviews! Today I’ll be reviewing A Journey Through the Valley by Koywan Keyes.






RATING: ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥/ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥




A Journey through the Valley is an Inspirational story that will take you through the valley of many hardships, and give you the power to go through your own valley. If you are tired of going through the same situations in your life that don’t lead you to your promise from God, then A journey Through the Valley will help you open your eyes in your own life and allow you to connect with God, and make it through your Valley. Do not be fooled to think that you are the only one who is going through some problems in your life. You are not, and you will see through this book that God will give you strength to make it through your Valley, if you let Him. It tells the story of my personal Journey where I faced financial hardships, lost friends, lost job and lack of resources. Furthermore, it deals the feelings and emotions that are connected through going through rough situations in life. In addition, it includes my sister’s journey through brain surgery, capturing her fears, her challenges and ability to connect with God to overcome. If you do not believe in the power of God; you will discover it in, “A Journey through the Valley.” God will allow your dreams to come true, keep the faith, and learn how to journey through your valley.


This book was great in the sense that it takes us through Mr. Keyes own personal journey while pursuing a life long dream. Unexpected hardships cause him and his family to struggle through rough times, but they never give up their faith. He writes about repeated financial hardships, nearly losing his home, and the range of emotions he experienced going ‘through the valley’. Various Bible verses are quoted throughout the book, which Mr. Keyes uses to remind readers that the valley is temporary and anyone can overcome hardship.

The reason this book struck a chord so deeply with me is because of his sister. Like me, she suffered a bleed in her brain, causing a stroke. Mr. Keyes put aside his own needs to be there for her. He writes about his sister’s struggles to overcome her own life altering event and getting through the madness. It was inspiring to read and I’m thankful that Mr. Keyes included it.

I love reading about experiences that are similar to mine and that I can relate to. It makes my journey feel less complicated and that much easier to achieve. Make sense?

I wanted to give this book 5 hearts. Truly. It has the stories that inspire me. Why couldn’t I? For a couple of reasons.

As a reader, I can overlook a few spelling and grammatical errors, but Journey has too many for me to overlook and not mention. For future editions, Mr. Keyes may want to consider an editor.

There was a section in the book where Mr. Keyes mentioned the media making a big deal out of people donating to churches and feels that members of congregations should continue to give money to their churches. I have to disagree.

Firstly, any mention of media & church donations doesn’t belong in an uplifting book like this to begin with.

Secondly, there are many evangelists (particularly of the TV variety) that take advantage of loyal followers with limited incomes. (ie: Each follower donating $300 towards a multi-million dollar jet – evangelist name withheld). The media are performing a public service by exposing the money hungry, not-so-Christian evangelists and ‘churches’.

Thirdly, donations (tithes, offerings) are personal choices. I gladly donate money if I know it’s being put to good use. If it’s going to be used to line another man’s pocket, I’ll give it directly to the person who needs it.

Aside from the issues I listed above, I genuinely enjoyed this book. I’d recommend it to anyone who feels a heavy burden and wants to know that things will get better.

RATING: ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥/ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥







Hey all! I’m doing an Inspirational Quote Bloghop today like the one I recently did on my other blog – My Miracle Life. Only there it was The Three Quotes Challenge.

Thanks to fellow blogger and children’s author, Deanie Humphrys-Dunne for tagging me for this blog post where we write about inspirational quotes.  I adore Deanie because she’s been with me since I first started blogging and I’m proud to call her my friend. If you haven’t visited her blog, you should! Click on her name above and check her out! Thanks for thinking of me, Deanie!!

Here are the rules:

1. Thank the person who tagged you.
2. List three quotes and inspire readers over three days or all at once.
3. Tag three or more people.
I’m doing all three quotes at once, so here they are:
BQ-octaviaebutler646129I love this quote because it’s so true. Whether my writing is dramatic, funny, sordid, or sad, it takes seemingly senseless mush from deep within and creates something new, as if I found a piece of my personality I never knew existed.
I don’t know any other way to explain it to have it make sense to anyone. It’s in my brain, but I can’t formulate the expression to make you get it. I’m sorry for that. Frustrating.
BQ-swamisivananda390760I included this quote not only for myself, but for my friends who have been down on themselves lately, questioning their talents and place in this world.
Heart, mind, and soul go into everything I do now. I don’t expect perfection anymore, only the best I can give. That’s why I take the time now to Celebrate the Small Things.
 This is an awesome quote. I don’t even know how many times I’ve tried and failed at things through life, especially over the past four and a half plus years.
Recently I decided to stop calling my attempts, particularly when it comes to recovery, as failures. I refer to them as obstacles or stumbling blocks. It’s only a failure if stay down, give up, and don’t try again.
I’ll be truthful. I came close to giving up many times, especially during a deep bout of depression. I got lucky. I found wonderful support from online friends, great doctors, and a couple of tried and true life friends.
Me thinks I made it this far because I realize that my body, mind, and spirit are too stubborn for my own good. 🙂 I thank my Fellowship of the Dragon for that. They encourage me, give me a virtual ass-whooping when needed, pray for me, and allow me (well, not just me…) the forum to rant and rave when things are bad. We do this for each other and the best part is, we listen and offer our heartfelt thoughts and opinions without judgment. I want to cry as I’m typing this, so I’ll quit while I’m ahead.
The three bloggers that I’ve decided to tag for this bloghop are:  Elizabeth Seckman, Lexa Cain, and Dani Bertrand.
I hope you enjoyed today’s quotes and found inspiration in them if needed. Any uplifting, inspirational quotes or stories you’d like to share? We’re all eyes! Until next time…

A-Z Challenge – LIFE IS GOOD

Up to L now in the A-Z Challenge and I’m dedicating this post to Tina Downey, who this Challenge is for. She is the main reason I joined.

For Tina.

Jump around and make new friends!

If this post doesn’t make you fall in love with the person she was, I don’t know what will. I wish I had known her in life.

I first ‘met’ Tina when fellow blogger DL Hammons had me Blog Blitzed in September 2013. After that she became a major cheerleader in my corner, through good and bad. Every time I see a sunflower now I think of her.

For you, Tina.

For you, Tina.

I’m posting some of her comments for you to read so you can gain a small sense of what a phenomenal person she was. By the time I finished reading them, I was bawling.



“Wow, I’m totally impressed with your tenacity and your willingness to share so openly about such a personal experience. I’m sorry for being late for the blitz – it was a crazy day yesterday. I can’t wait to read the other parts, when time permits. Very nice to meet you!”
Tina @

“I’m so glad you’re writing more and putting it out there! Best of luck in the flash fiction contest!” Tina @

“You continue to amaze me! Great job on all those …T’s. You are a force to be dealt with, and I’ll take you on in Scrabble any day 🙂 “
Tina @

 “It sounds like you are (were, considering the dates you’re discussing) making great progress. I love the part about God still having plans for you. I’m a firm believer in that. I’m so looking forward to more of this story, and need to go back and read 1,2, and 3. (I met you at 4 😉 Thanks as always for sharing so honestly and openly.”
Tina @

“You’re doing an amazing job stepping out of your comfort zone. You also gave me an idea: I’m not thinking of taking a class this summer!
Keep up the hard work, girlfriend!”
Tina @

These are just some of the comments she made on THIS blog. She made many more inspiring ones on my other one too. Occasionally I’ll leave a little message for her at a special place I belong. Click on her name at the beginning of this post or Life is Good, to look through her blog.

I miss you, Tina. Keep watching over us. Xoxoxo







Hey everyone. Sorry I haven’t been around much. If you’ve checked my other blog recently, you’ll know that I’ve been under the weather for the past few weeks. Now that I’m back, I’m happy to help promote the re-release of an amazing young lady’s book, A View from My Heels.

If I did book releases and such on my other blog, I’d definitely include this one. (Something I’ll have to consider for inspiration). Read on my dears!


About The View from My Heels



Win Charles has Cerebral Palsy—she also has a thriving jewelry design company, enough metal in her feet to set off any airport’s metal detector, and a love of snowboarding. How do all of these things fit together?
Don’t be fooled. This isn’t a novel about hardships or all of the things a young woman with a disability can’t do. This is a story about LIVING, about doing it anyway, and about passion.

The View from My Heels is a novel about a young lady with Cerebral Palsy who has a driving ambition to become a well-known jewelry designer. And she’s well on her way. In fact, she might even be better at accessorizing than you!

A View From My Heels gives hope and inspiration to the disabled community. Win Charles is an example of triumph that will leave its mark on your heart long after you’ve finished the book and set it down.


Amazon US http://www.amazon.com/dp/B00JXT3V6Y/

B&N http://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/the-view-from-my-heels-win-k-charles/1119283559?ean=2940151734516

iBooks https://itunes.apple.com/us/book/the-view-from-my-heels/id972392335?mt=11&uo=4




Born with Cerebral Palsy, Win Charles has defied the odds by becoming an author. Her memoir I, Win is an amazing story of how she remembers her life through the years of having a condition called “CP”. As a competitor in the Kona Iron Man Triathlon, CEO of her own jewelry design company, and motivational speaker, Win Charles truly is an inspiration to many. Today Win Charles tours the country, speaking to schools and institutions to raise awareness about cerebral palsy and living a full life no matter what holds you back. She is also an advocate of veterans across the world.


Show your support: Sign up for Win’s newsletter to stay updated on new releases and appearances.


Or find her here:




Win’s custom jewelry and art

Audio Book


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