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IWSG Wednesday!

Another month has gone by and it’s time for another post for the Insecure Writer’s Support Group.  The amazing Ninja Captain Alex J. Cavanaugh founded this phenomenal group just over two years ago.

InsecureWritersSupportGroupThe group meets on the first Wednesday of every month. It’s a safe haven where writers can admit their insecurities and put their anxieties out into the world, without fear of criticism or embarrassment. If you’d like to join our support group, please click on the image to your left. You won’t regret it!

I’ve always been afraid to put my writings out in the open. I’ve never let people read my stories or essays, unless they were my teachers. I’ve always been afraid of what people would think. Then I noticed, when I started writing about what happened with my bleed two years ago, I didn’t really care what anyone thought. I needed to let it out. I started getting some feedback; and it made me feel OK. If one person wanted to read about my illness, cared enough to reach out and say something positive, then maybe someone would want to read my stories too.

After being Blitzed earlier this week, I made it a point to try to thank every blogger, tweep and Facebooker who commented on my page. I found so many unbelievable blogs; I fell in love. There are so many people out there, just like me; trying hard to overcome their fears and insecurities; to tell the stories they’ve wanted to tell. Heck, I have a ton.

I am going to keep doing what I always do. Write. But instead of just writing, this time I will actually submit.

I went so far as to sign up for a flash fiction contest. I am going to throw my fear out the window because I’ve already committed. I don’t know how the story will turn out, but I know that I am going to try my best. ((Gulp)). Win or lose, at least it will be out there and I will have gotten over one major fear.

That’s all I have for this month’s IWSG.

As a side note, I’m sorry I haven’t posted Part 5 yet, but I had to take care of this first. Part 5 of my Stroke journey is nearly done and should be posted no later than Saturday.

Until next time, love you guys!


36 thoughts on “IWSG Wednesday!

    • Aww, thank you so much! I am so sorry it took me a few weeks to respond to your comment, but I was immersed in NaNo for the month. I will make it a point to visit your site as soon as I have a moment, promise!


  1. Your story is so inspiring! I understand the insecurities that come with being a writer, so I salute you for your efforts. Best of luck in the flash fiction contest! 😉

    By the way, I’m nominating you for the Liebster Award! I know you already have one, so I understand if you don’t want to share another post (it took me forever to finish mine), but just know that you’re on my nominees list. A post about it will be on my blog on Monday. Thanks for being so inspiring! 🙂


    • Hi J.C.! Thank you so much! I treasure my awards, just like I treasure you guys! I’ve been nominated for a couple of awards already and am SOOOO late with putting up the post. I will add the Liebster to the post I will be putting up in the next 2 weeks or so. I love my awards so much, I’m actually making a separate page to showcase them. Hugs to you! Thanks again; I’ll be looking forward to reading your post!


  2. Good luck with future submissions! It *is* scary to show our writing to others. I always worry, what if they don’t like it?


    • Hi Deniz! That’s what I worry about too, but at this stage in my life, what’s the point in worrying about it anymore? Thanks for your comment and understanding the feeling. 🙂


    • Thanks Cathrina for visiting and commenting. Yup, full steam ahead it is. No more cowardice for me. I figure, if I put up any really bad stories, I’ll just cry about it at the next IWSG!! 😀


  3. You’ll find that you can accomplish more than you ever dreamed, Lily! So happy for you because you took a big step forward. Any time anyone is negative, remember it’s one person’s opinion, not the Gospel truth! And I’d bet the sky didn’t fall, either! D


  4. Splendid!! I signed up for a Halloween short story hop and for Norse Gods! Oh my!! Talk about confidence out the door! Hope your doing well today, your in my thoughts! So good to hear from you! Hugs, Sandy


  5. Just do it! The first time I put a short story up on my blog, I dithered and wondered and eventually thought – get on with it! I realised that the world didn’t fall in if nobody read it, or people read it but didn’t ‘like’ it, or didn’t comment. Now, when I’ve got a story as good as I can get it, I publish it. I do have a few I’m saving for submissions, one about to be featured in a new magazine (soon, I hope!) and of course my obligatory WIP novel. But I write some shorts specifically with the idea of adding them to my blog site. I haven’t turned into a toad or anything. So go for it, girl! xxx


    • Lmao! You ALWAYS know how to make me laugh chickie! With my luck, I will be the one to turn into a toad. Well, when I do post my stories, you better like them even if they SUCK! 😀 Just kidding. NEVER do that. Always give me constructive feedback girlie. I’ll take it from where ever I can get it.


    • Sometimes people forget how much courage it takes to put yourself out there. So anyone who posts a piece of their writing is to be commended! And I’m very good at constructive feedback – you have to be, in my day job. Sometimes when a learner driver has a go for the first time I have to think hard: “Well, you moved the car!” “We went in a straight(ish) line”. “You stopped before you ran over the pedestrian”. Just kidding with that last one. (Not kidding). 😉


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