Hello bloggers! It’s time for Express Yourself, the weekly blog hop that posts different topics and updates monthly.


Click on the Link to Join!

Jackie Felger from Bouquet of Books and Dani Bertrand from Entertaining Interests founded this great blog hop that has a great group of people with weekly topics that change every month. They also have a site they co-author together:  Cover Girls.

This topic for Oct. 5 – 9 is:

Where would be the scariest place to spend Halloween?

 There are several places that would totally creep me out if I had to spend Halloween at any of them.

I think the scariest place for me would be an old, abandoned castle (so Dracula-esque). If I had a few friends with me, I might be brave enough to do it. Probably. Maybe. Then again, maybe not, since I have difficulty at haunted hay-rides. Yeah, I said it; I’m a punk now. **Sighs**

Where would your scariest place be to spend Halloween? Feel free to list more than one.




Hello bloggers! It’s time for Express Yourself, the weekly blog hop that posts different topics and updates monthly.


Click on the Link to Join!

Jackie Felger from Bouquet of Books and Dani Bertrand from Entertaining Interests founded this great blog hop that has a great group of people with weekly topics that change every month. They also have a site they co-author together:  Cover Girls.

This topic for July 6-10 is: What are 3 things you wish you were better at?

Narrowing it down to 3 is difficult because there are so many things I wish I were better at. I’m going to put things on the list I was good at before, but lost some skill in recent years.

They’ll come back.


  1. Driving

  2. Cooking

  3. Dancing

There you have it. My big three. 🙂 What skills do you all wish you could do better? Let me know in the comments.








Express Yourself – BEST PRANKS

Hello bloggers! It’s time for Express Yourself, the weekly blog hop that posts different topics and updates monthly. 


Click on the Link to Join!

Jackie Felger from Bouquet of Books and Dani Bertrand from Entertaining Interests founded this great blog hop that has a great group of people with weekly topics that change every month. They also have a site they co-author together:  Cover Girls.

The topic for the week of June 29-July 3 is:

What’s the greatest prank you ever pulled? Not a prankster, then what’s the best prank you’ve heard about?

Oh man, this one can get me into some serious hot water. It was so long ago who’s gonna remember this foolishness, right? Right???

Back in my Bronx dayz, I threw a little house party at my first apartment. My best friend at the time was staying with me. Our kids were are their respective grandmas’ houses and there was a good mix of people over. Unfortunately, one of the guys drank a little (well, maybe a lot) too much alcohol before it was even midnight and passed out on my sofa.

In my defense, I did NOT do this alone! His best friend removed his sneakers and socks and polished his toenails. My bff did his hair, two dorky pig-tails on top of his head (it was the ’80s people!) and make-up, while I polished his fingernails. Throughout this whole debacle, he didn’t budge. The finishing touch was a cigarette dangling off his fire engine red lips.

We snapped some pix with my friend’s camera and continued to party. He woke up about a half hour later and it took a good few minutes for him to realize what was going on. Our hysterical laughter didn’t help. He was pissed for about a minute, but then got over it. Yup, good times were had that night. 🙂

 Your turn! I know you’ve got a story. Let’s hear it. We’ve all been the prankster or the pranked. I’d love to hear yours. Until next time, enjoy your week!



Express Yourself – OUT OF THE NORM SKILL

Hello bloggers! It’s time for Express Yourself, the weekly blog hop that posts different topics and updates monthly. 


Click on the Link to Join!

Jackie Felger from Bouquet of Books and Dani Bertrand from Entertaining Interests founded this great blog hop that has a great group of people with weekly topics that change every month. They also have a site they co-author together:  Cover Girls.

This topic for this week (June 22-26) is: If you could learn any out of the norm skill, what would it be?

Answer:  Fencing/Swordplay.


Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl.   This image is (c) Disney.

Surprised ya, didn’t I? Always had an interest, but never followed through.  Must be the Captain Jack Sparrow in me. Okay, I know…don’t care. Yeah, I’m a Pirates of the Caribbean fan. What can I say, I’m young at heart.

Wonder if it’s too late to start learning… 😀 Can you imagine the chaos I’d cause? Haha!  :p

 What’s the skill you wish you had? Any possibility you might still pursue it? Until next time!




Express Yourself – WHAT I EAT WHEN WRITING

Hello bloggers! It’s time for Express Yourself, the weekly blog hop that posts different topics and updates monthly. 


Click on the Link to Join!

Jackie Felger from Bouquet of Books and Dani Bertrand from Entertaining Interests founded this great blog hop that has a great group of people with weekly topics that change every month. They also have a site they co-author together:  Cover Girls.

The topic for May 25-29 is: Name a few things you like to eat while writing.

That’s easy – anything. Ha! No, seriously. There are a couple of things I must have when I’m writing:

First and foremost is coffee (I know it’s not food to most people, but it’s one of MY food groups). I recently switched to decaf though; I’m trying to ease up on my stress level. We’ll see if it works.

Second, I must have some snacks by my side . I’ve kept it healthy with either Yoplait Whips, or a Special K low-fat, high-fiber, soft-baked breakfast bar.

When I’m really on a roll and want to treat myself, I’ll cop to having a Reese’s peanut butter cup or two. They’re my favorite.  🙂

What do you snack on when you write? Any energy-boosting ideas you’d care to share?