Hello, all! It’s the first Wednesday of the month and we know what that means:

IWSG-badgeIt’s time for another meeting of the Insecure Writers Support Group – #IWSG.

My hero, the amazing Ninja Captain Alex J. Cavanaugh founded this group and it has become a safe haven if you are an insecure writer.

Click the image if you would like to be a part of the #IWSG family. You won’t regret it.

PurposeTo share and encourage. Writers can express doubts and concerns without fear of appearing foolish or weak.

The awesome co-hosts for the October 5 posting of the IWSG are Beverly Stowe McClure, Megan Morgan, Viola Fury, Madeline Mora-Summonte, Angela Wooldridge, and Susan Gourley!

October is going to be an exciting month for me. My close friend Vivian and I are going to try our hand at scriptwriting a scene for a short film. Not only are we going to write it, but we’ll also be acting in the scene. We’ll be given credit as writers AND actors! Yeah, no pressure…

I won’t divulge the name of the film yet because I want to see how well this works out. I’m crossing my fingers that the producer will accept our scene when it’s done. Stay tuned for more info as the deadline approaches. 🙂

October 5 Question: When do you know your story is ready?

Unfortunately, I don’t. That’s why I have so many stories that are still in draft and editing stages. It’s something I definitely have to work on. 

Are you trying anything new or outside your comfort zone? How do you know when your story is ready?





8 thoughts on “#IWSG – NEW ENDEVOURS

  1. Good luck with the new project. Not sure how to answer your question. For me, I just know. Back when I was younger, I’d keep working on stuff to the point of ruining it. So a warning might be when you’re making edits just to make edits instead of improving the work.

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