Home » BLOGFESTS/HOPS » Spooktoberfest 2014 – I Am

Spooktoberfest 2014 – I Am

Hey bloggers! I thought about, thinking I wasn’t going to be able to do this and at the last minute I couldn’t help myself. I signed up.  spook2014.2I’ve got an hour to write a 300 word flash fiction story using these words:  commotion, curse, virus, cocoon, and chill.

Brought to you by Cover Girls: Dani & Jax, this will be my second year entering this blogfest.

Wish me luck.


‘I Am’

Confusion fills your head every waking day; the feeling is like a virus that flows through your veins. You cannot explain nor understand the chill your victim feels right before their dying breath. I want you to understand that this is normal. Every light diminished from the eyes of your beloveds will move on to our greater realm.

I have told you this many times over. Believe in me. The blood lost from the hearts we have cut out will not go to waste. We will drink and become ever more powerful. Take a memento for yourself, if you must. Cocoon a special prize in places meant only for you, for us. Let go of all that is good. Goodness will grant you nothing!

It is not every day I am allowed by you to come out and kill, to do what we are meant to do. Set me free, once and for all. I am not a curse; I am a part of you, a special part of you. Do not fear the commotion that battles in your brain time and time again. Embrace me; I am what you want and what you need. I am evil, your evil. Together let us thrive.




14 thoughts on “Spooktoberfest 2014 – I Am

    • Hi Debra! Thanks so much for passing by. This was a super quick write for me; I’m glad it brought the idea of the reaper to your head! I’m going to be making my rounds in a bit!


    • Thanks Dani! I just wish this month wouldn’t have been so hectic for me; I would’ve given it so much more of my time! 😀 I did what I could with the little time I had. At least I know I was well below 300. SMH. Thanks for the vote of confidence though. Miss you!! Eva


    • Hey Alex! It turned out to be a last minute free write kind of thing. I wanted it to be an evil of some sort. I got it in right before the deadline. Couldn’t even proof it to tell you what it sounds like. I was going more for man’s dark side, but between getting all the info together and stuff, I only had about 20 minutes to do the actual writing. :-/ If it sounds like a vampire to you, then that works for me too!!! XD


    • Thanks Jackie! I thought about it all month and couldn’t find the time. At the last minute, I couldn’t help myself and just signed up. I didn’t even count the words and just started writing…made it right before cut off. Aye!


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